The solar boom has reached Sweden and Uppsala is at the top. The town is in forefront when it comes to number of PV installations. Uppsala is also the venue for Sweden’s most important solar trade fair, the Solelmässan. Of course IBC SOLAR AB was one of the exhibitors on November 27.
Compared to 2017, an increase of 62 percent in solar system installations were registered in Uppsala this year. This shows that solar energy becomes more and more important in Sweden and that the Scandinavian country is one of the emerging markets for photovoltaics.

At present, around 0.2 percent of Swedish electricity is generated with solar energy. Around 10,000 new solar power plants will be installed in 2018. However, the potential is significantly greater, as Sweden has about the same amount of solar radiation as Germany. Solelmässan reflects this development – the number of participants this year reached its highest level to date. Over 800 curious participants resulted in a great number of business leads. A fantastic start for Swedish IBC SOLAR AB who entered the market this September.
Uppsala also shows how cities and municipalities can support solar expansion. For example, the city of Uppsala has defined a target for photovoltaic expansion at an early stage and has also made itself a knowledge centre for photovoltaics by organising Solelmässan trade fair. Uppsala county is also home to Sweden’s largest solar power plant, the commercial self-consumption plant of the online pharmacy Apotea, which was designed with components delivered by IBC SOLAR.