Solar and nature in harmony: 2.5 MWp solar park with storage in the Eifel region

The Eifelkreis Bitburg-Prüm is a district in the far west of Rhineland-Palatinate, bordering Belgium and Luxembourg. In terms of area, the district is the largest and also the least populated in Rhineland-Palatinate. This is also due to the fact that parts of the district belong to the Südeifel Nature Park and the German-Luxembourg Nature Park. One focus of the nature park’s work is the development and implementation of projects to promote the experience of nature and the countryside, sustainable regional development and nature conservation. This also includes projects that support the production and use of sustainable energy – such as the new solar park with connected battery storage, which has been in operation since June 2024. (more…)

More energy independence: vehicle bodybuilder with new SMA commercial storage system

Together with our Premium Partner Sonnenkompetenz we have equipped the bodywork and accident repair specialist Scholz from Zeil am Main (Bavaria) with an individually tailored and comprehensive energy solution. The PV system with 122-kilowatt-peak (kWp) capacity will be expanded to include the new SMA commercial storage system with a capacity of 32 kilowatt hours (kWh) and an integrated energy management system.  (more…)

Blog Series International Markets and Trade Fairs: Part 2 – Solar Solutions 2023

Our IBC SOLAR Team at Solar Solutions

In addition to the trade fairs in Spain, Poland, Austria and Switzerland, we were also present in the Netherlands in March.  Solar Solutions, the largest trade fair for solar energy in northwestern Europe, took place there from 14 to 16 March. Today we report on the three exciting days at the fair in Amsterdam.  (more…)

The Enphase system in the IBC SOLAR test_part II

Fast, simple and uncomplicated. All this applies to the Enphase system. In our first article “The Enphase System in the IBC SOLAR Test_Part I“, we told you all about the basics and the components installed in our Enphase test system. Because we wanted to find out what makes the system so special and how the setup, commissioning and operation of an Enphase PV system with the new Encharge storage system works. For this purpose, an IBC SOLAR colleague’s string system was converted to an Enphase system in a test setup, including the new Encharge storage. Now, in the second part of the blog series, we tell you about our experiences with the Enphase system with a view to installation and commissioning, followed by our conclusion. (more…)

The Enphase System in the IBC SOLAR Test_Part I

“This is really easy!” – was the conclusion of an IBC SOLAR colleague when setting up our small Enphase laboratory test system. Yes, the Enphase storage systems can do a lot. However, the simplicity of the system was one of the main reasons for IBC SOLAR to add it to the portfolio at the end of April. But what actually makes the system so special and how is the setup, commissioning and operation of an Enphase PV system with the new Encharge storage system? That’s exactly what we want to look at in this two-part blog series. To start with: For the test setup, we converted one of our colleague’s string systems to an Enphase system including the new Encharge storage. But first, let’s get to the basics and the individual components: (more…)