In order to provide our customers all over the world with the best products and services, a trustworthy and reliable relationship with our selected partners, is of utmost importance alongside fulfilling the highest standards in safety and quality. One of the best examples is located in Norway.
In the Norwegian market, IBC SOLAR is working closely together with three partners. These companies not only grew consistently over the past five years but also enjoy good business security. In addition, all partners have succeeded individually in various aspects within the past months – something they can definitely be proud of.
Let us introduce you to our Norwegian partners to learn more about their achievements:

Berggård Amundsen & Co AS
Solar becomes more and more a relevant topic for the electrical wholesale-industry. One of our partners within this industry is family owned Berggård Amundsen & Co AS. The electrical wholesaler recognizes their employees achievements at an annual award event. One of these award-categories relates to the “employee with the most innovative business idea”. The winner is Ole Petter Fiære, contact person and product manager at Berggård Amundsen & Co AS for IBC SOLAR. Congratulations!
Specialised in the installation of large plant-projects and pioneers in terms of PV systems, SOLENERGI FUSen AS succeeded in an important competition for the green-village-project “Smarthus” in Arca Nova in Fredrikstad. This project embodies “future living” in the best possible way. Our partner was in charge of setting up the solar energy solution for the complete project. To complete this project, the company relied on products from IBC SOLAR such as the AeroFix mounting systems and modules from the IBC black-line.
Sivilingeniør Carl Christian Strømberg AS
Finally, in a nationwide rating within Norway that awards the fastest growing and most successful companies of the country, IBC SOLAR partner Sivilingeniør Carl Christian Strømberg AS reached position 10 out of 3213 in Norway in 2018, and number 1. in Østfold County in 2018 and 2019.
However, being among the top ten most successful companies in Norway is not the first success for our partner. The company have also for years been selected as the primary solar installation company for all the major Power companies in Norway. Today Solcellespesialisten have over 80 employees, a large growth from only 2 employees until 2014.
Thanks for sharing this info , keep posting
Varun Sethupathi