Perfect match: IBC SOLAR teams up with three exclusive partners in Norway

In order to provide our customers all over the world with the best products and services, a trustworthy and reliable relationship with our selected partners, is of utmost importance alongside fulfilling the highest standards in safety and quality. One of the best examples is located in Norway.(more…)

The profile that came in from the cold

Right into the freezer and back. Well – with  an area of 30 square meters the freezer in this case is slightly bigger than the usual household devices. We are referring to a special test that we have performed on our mounting systems. We wanted to know the following: Will temperatures of  minus 20 degrees harm the rails and modules and can major icing cause frost damage? (more…)

Into the North: 2nd Regional Partner Summit

What expertise do we offer our international Premium Partners? And how can we address the individual characteristics of the different markets? Our experts will answer these questions with a new series of conferences named IBC SOLAR Regional Partner Summits. The second of these was held in Sweden recently. (more…)