Double the strength, double the benefits: double glass solar modules explained

n the ever-evolving world of photovoltaic technology, double glass solar modules are emerging as a game-changer. By encapsulating solar cells between two layers of glass, these modules offer unparalleled durability and efficiency. But what exactly sets them apart? (more…)

Visit to the IBC SOLAR test facility I: Polycrystalline modules through the ages

A walk through our test facility allows you to immerse yourself in the history of photovoltaics. Modules from many generations, some already a decade and a half old, show how technology has changed. Guest author and product manager René Schüler presents special test objects in a blog series and provides background knowledge to cell technologies and typical ageing effects. The blog series starts with a comparison between polycrystalline modules from 2004 and 2018. (more…)