PV in the old freight depot – our Solplanet test facility

The colleagues from Solplanet, Qmax and IBC SOLAR on the old freight depot roof

We have already reported on our cooperation with the inverter manufacturer Solplanet. Now there is exciting news again: In Lichtenfels, very close to our company headquarters, we have installed a first test plant in an old freight depot together with our premium partner Qmax.  (more…)

Visit to the IBC SOLAR test facility I: Polycrystalline modules through the ages

A walk through our test facility allows you to immerse yourself in the history of photovoltaics. Modules from many generations, some already a decade and a half old, show how technology has changed. Guest author and product manager René Schüler presents special test objects in a blog series and provides background knowledge to cell technologies and typical ageing effects. The blog series starts with a comparison between polycrystalline modules from 2004 and 2018. (more…)