Blog Series: Our IBC AeroFix in a long-term test_part 2

Flat roofs are particularly well suited for the installation of PV systems. There is no question about that. Especially if a lot of PV power is required. But in times of recurring storms and hurricanes, these systems have to withstand a lot. In order to find out exactly how our proven and wind tunnel tested AeroFix system behaves in these extreme situations, we recently started video and sensor monitoring on a commercial roof in Hedemünden, southern Lower Saxony. In the first article we told you more about the background. Now we report in detail about the system and the test setup. (more…)

Blog Series: Our IBC AeroFix in a long-term test_part 1

Flat roofs are particularly well suited for the installation of PV systems. There is no question about that. Especially if a lot of PV power is required. But in times of recurring storms and hurricanes, these systems have to withstand a lot. Our in-house and well known mounting system IBC AeroFix has already proven several times in the past that it can withstand the strongest storms. But how exactly does our AeroFix system perform in these extreme situations? We wanted to know more about this and therefore started a video and sensor monitoring for a period of 10 years. But before we go into detail, let’s take a look at some background information first. (more…)

Training for installers on non-ballast structures at IBC SOLAR Polska

Since March 2021, over 30 people have already participated in free workshops organized by IBC SOLAR Polska in cooperation with CW Lundberg, a producer of complete roof protection systems. During one-day training, participants have the opportunity to learn about a modern solution for flat roof installations, developed jointly by both companies, using a non-invasive and ballast-free mounting system. (more…)

Dutch expertise in IBC SOLAR portfolio

When looking at PV systems around the world, there is one thing for sure: Each system demand different requirements with regards to the installation or components to use. This is why IBC SOLAR is working with a wide network of international partners supplying high quality and reliable products that complete our portfolio. This way we can offer our customers the best selection of excellent products. Latest example: the expansion of our mounting system portfolio with an innovative mounting system from the Dutch specialist Van der Valk.   (more…)

An innovative PV project in Poland

496 photovoltaic panels, a capacity of 164 kWp and four 17-story buildings in Poznan, the capital of Wielkopolska region. These were the specifications of the latest solar project of IBC SOLAR in Poland. Together with one of our Premium Partners, a complex PV installation was installed on the roofs of four 17-story buildings of the Poznan Housing Cooperative Winogrady. Another positive step for solar energy in Poland. (more…)