Over the rooftops of Windhoek: Hospital in Namibia reduces energy costs through the use of solar power

Mediclinic-Hospital-Source-SolsquareSolar energy systems are extremely attractive for companies in Southern Africa. PV systems for self-consumption provide protection against the instability of the local power supply and help to save costs and the hospital operator Mediclinic International is leading the way. Our Premium Partner Solsquare Energy (Pty) Ltd. has planned and installed a PV roof system for the South African private hospital group. The PV installation for self-consumption in Windhoek (Namibia) was connected to the grid in December 2015 with a total peak output of 88 kWp and covers the majority of the hospital’s energy requirement. This enables Mediclinic to save around 8,000 euros each year.(more… )

Sun instead of diesel: irrigation with photovoltaics

PumpController-Detail-SchaltschrankAnybody wanting to successfully run a farm in dry, hot areas across Europe, Africa, India or Asia is heavily reliant on sophisticated water management. In addition to the less efficient hand irrigation procedure which is still prevalent in many development areas, motor pumps are generally used. In India, for example, around 50 percent of arable land managed by small farmers was irrigated with motor pumps in 2012. (more…)

IKEA and IBC SOLAR focus on simple mounting for PV systems

PV-Anlage auf IKEA-Dach“Do you still reside or do you already live?” This IKEA advertising slogan used in Germany must now be supplemented with “Yet producing or still consuming?”. The largest PV system of the Swedish furniture company to date was recently put into operation at a Swiss store. Modules with an output of 1.5 megawatt peak are IKEA’s contribution to greater sustainability. (more…)

PV hybrid system at UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Seychelles cuts diesel consumption by 99%

Group Shot (Large)Are there news on the diesel hybrid system that we installed for a research station in the Seychelles in 2012? This question was answered with the most recent researchers’ annual report. Especially pleasing for us: the system exceeded all expectations!(more… )

100 percent self-sufficient EnFa: This is what the German power supply in Germany might look like in 2050

EnergiefabrikOur certified Premium Partner, Friedhelm Widmann, has developed and built a completely energy self-sufficient office and workshop in Neuenstadt am Kocher (Baden-Württemberg) during a nine-month construction period. EnFa – The energy factory is able to manage without any connection to the public power grid and uses only renewable energy. (more…)