We have been a participant of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) since August 2017. As the largest international initiative for responsible corporate management, it brings together 12,000 companies, organisations and public institutions in 170 countries. By participating in the UNGC, we are committing ourselves to report transparently about our activities and to pursue the vision of a sustainable global economy that conserves resources and benefits everyone.
The UNGC is a United Nations sustainability initiative that focuses on ten principles covering the areas of human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and preventing corruption. By participating in the initiative, we are publicly committing ourselves to these principles and actively supporting their implementation.
Three of the ten UNGC principles cover environmental and climate protection. As a solar company, we are already on the right track in this regard, as we promote the development of environmentally friendly technologies and green business models. By participating in the UNGC, we are making an even greater moral commitment to having a positive impact on the environment across the entire value chain of our products.
We have been certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 for quality management, DIN EN ISO 14001 for environmental management and BS OHSAS 18001 for occupational safety and health protection since 2012. We implement numerous environmental and labour measures in this regard and also require that our suppliers meet these standards. As a consequence of our participation in the UNGC, we will further increase our own climate management activities and significantly reduce our CO2 emissions in the years ahead.
As a UNGC company, we are obliged to report on our progress in implementing the ten principles and the activities it has undertaken to promote sustainable development. This annual Communication on Progress (COP) is aimed at business partners, customers and suppliers, and is available for public scrutiny on the UNGC website.