More energy independence: vehicle bodybuilder with new SMA commercial storage system

Together with our Premium Partner Sonnenkompetenz we have equipped the bodywork and accident repair specialist Scholz from Zeil am Main (Bavaria) with an individually tailored and comprehensive energy solution. The PV system with 122-kilowatt-peak (kWp) capacity will be expanded to include the new SMA commercial storage system with a capacity of 32 kilowatt hours (kWh) and an integrated energy management system.  (more…)

Two new solar parks are connected to the Hungarian grid

Solar park Gerjen © MET Group

Renewable energies account for an increasing share of Hungary’s energy supply since 2020, and photovoltaics is gaining importance in the country. With the grid connection of the two solar parks in Gerjen and Söjtör with nominal power outputs of 51 and 45 megawatt peak (MWp), another milestone for the energy transition in Hungary has been achieved. (more…)

Tiny House – Sustainable living

After having told you about our involvement in the Tiny House at the Coburg University of Applied Sciences and our colleagues talking about the cooperation, in this article we are going to focus entirely on the sustainable concept of the Tiny House. For that we spoke with Prof. Dr Hirth from the Coburg University of Applied Sciences.  (more…)

Tiny House – The big trend for a small footprint

The Tiny House has been in vogue for quite some time. IBC SOLAR was now allowed to participate in a very special project: We supported the construction of a Tiny House at Coburg University of Applied Sciences. The living concept is available to students and guest lecturers throughout the year and shows how energy self-sufficient and CO2-neutral living can be implemented in practice. IBC SOLAR supplied the project with a complete photovoltaic system including storage and actively supported the university in the planning and implementation of the system. (more…)

Solar power for Ukrainian school – fundraising campaign starts

© Energy Act for Ukraine

A solar power system with a battery storage unit has been installed on a school in the Kyiv suburb of Irpin, which has been particularly impacted by the Russian war of aggression, and will go operational on Friday, 25 November 2022. The PV system was financed entirely by donations from the German solar industry. This marks the start of the solar industry’s fundraising campaign “Solar Aid”, which aims to make a contribution to resilience-building and reconstruction in Ukraine. (more…)