We are a member of SolarPower Europe

IBC SOLAR joined the SolarPower Europe association in the beginning of January this year. The European-wide association is managed by its members and represents almost 40 countries. In this way, SolarPower Europe networks a large number of companies, organizations and industry in the renewable energy sector. The goal: more energy should be generated from solar than any other energy source by 2030. (more…)

A day at IBC SOLAR

Like many other young people, I decided to opt for an apprenticeship after finishing school. After a successful application process, I started my apprenticeship as an industrial clerk in September 2019 at IBC SOLAR. A few months have passed since thenand I have settled in well in my first training department“Projects Germany”. This department is responsible for the development and implementation of large-scale photovoltaic and solar projects. But first, my name is Jennifer Will and I will describe to you in the following article what such a day during my training is like. (more…)

Our year 2019 in review

The year is drawing to a close. Just before Christmas, we take the time for a review of the solar year 2019! Read about the highlights we have experienced over the past 12 months.  (more…)

From M0 to M12 – different wafer sizes in the market

When you talk to the pioneers of the German PV industry, such as Mr. Udo Möhrstedt or the first participants of the symposium at Banz Monastery, one looks back at the early years with a sparkle in the eyes. A specific example is the comparison between the wafer sizes of the past and the present. The “wafer” is the starting material for the production of crystalline solar cells, which is only about 200 µm thick. Although there have been many adjustments over the years, the continuity has unfortunately disappeared. In recent months, countless new wafer sizes have appeared on the market. Something the PV industry has never experienced before. In addition, there is no uniform designation. With this article we would like to shed some light on the topic, and in addition to a review of the history of cell size, we want to compare the current common names. (more…)