The exceptional year of 2020 – the IBC SOLAR annual review

A lot has happened in 2020. The fact is, as for many others, it was an exciting year for the solar industry. Now that Christmas is fast approaching, it is once again time for us to review everything and look back. Here you can read our highlights from 2020. (more…)

The making of: Kabai Solar Park

The number of large scale solar parks is growing worldwide and we at IBC SOLAR are also contributing to this. From countries within Europe to Asia with projects in Japan and India. More and more countries want to increase their share of a green power supply with the help of photovoltaics. And each of these projects is unique in terms of the task at hand, always exciting in its implementation and peppered with some challenges. The most recent example is Hungary’s largest solar park in Kabai with around 43 MW. It emerged from the collaboration between IBC SOLAR Energy (the international project division of IBC SOLAR AG) and MET Asset Management AG during the course of 2020. A year full of surprises and challenges for the entire Energy team. (more…)

PPA – new potential for the solar park market

When dealing with renewable energy plants, the term “PPA” pops up again and again. The abbreviation PPA stands for “Power Purchase Agreement” and is a special form of a power supply contract, as you might enter into for your own home, as a private person, with an energy supplier, for example. (more…)

Solar parks and bees: a real dream team!

Ever since the “Save the bees” initiative in Germany, we have known how important it is to protect the bees. Solar parks also have an important role to play here. They do much more than just generate environmentally-friendly electricity. They also offer the basic conditions for beekeepers to keep their bees in solar parks with a diverse vivid flora. IBC SOLAR employee and amateur beekeeper Rudolf Tranziska also uses this option. He started his hobby eight years ago. He currently looks after his many bees with his grandson Mika and tells us why solar parks and bees are a real dream team.  (more…)

Seven reasons why solar parks are the ideal habitat for bees

Our solar parks do not only contribute to the energy transition in Germany. Regarding the growing land consumption, they are increasingly becoming important retreat areas for insects. On the occasion of the first World Bee Day on May 20th, here are seven reasons why solar parks are the ideal habitat for Maya the Bee and her co-workers. (more…)