A day at IBC SOLAR

Like many other young people, I decided to opt for an apprenticeship after finishing school. After a successful application process, I started my apprenticeship as an industrial clerk in September 2019 at IBC SOLAR. A few months have passed since thenand I have settled in well in my first training department“Projects Germany”. This department is responsible for the development and implementation of large-scale photovoltaic and solar projects. But first, my name is Jennifer Will and I will describe to you in the following article what such a day during my training is like. (more…)

Our year 2019 in review

The year is drawing to a close. Just before Christmas, we take the time for a review of the solar year 2019! Read about the highlights we have experienced over the past 12 months.  (more…)

Internship abroad in Plymouth – a great opportunity with many new experiences

On Sunday, the 23.06.2019 the day had arrived. At 04h00 in the morning 14 students of the State Vocational School Lichtenfels and myself started the upcoming adventure at Nuremberg Airport for the next two weeks: A foreign internship in Plymouth. But before I tell you more about my experiences in England, first to me: My name is Jennifer Blodgett and I am an industrial sales representative trainee, at IBC SOLAR since September 2018. (more…)

Perfect match: IBC SOLAR teams up with three exclusive partners in Norway

In order to provide our customers all over the world with the best products and services, a trustworthy and reliable relationship with our selected partners, is of utmost importance alongside fulfilling the highest standards in safety and quality. One of the best examples is located in Norway.(more…)