From a landfill to a biotope

When it comes to available land that could be considered for the construction of a solar park, it doesn’t always have to be a field in the middle of the countryside. In fact, many types of land, such as landfills or conversion sites, come into question. One example is the former gravel pit north of Meyenburg in Brandenburg, Germany. For years, the area was a wild dumping ground, but now the piece of land shines in new splendor: with a solar park, including extensive green maintenance measures – and flora and fauna also benefit from this to a great extent. (more…)

Spacy living on earth

Take a creative idea, environmentally friendly and recyclable materials and a complete PV system from a single source from IBC SOLAR: The result is an extraordinary residential or office complex in a minimalist and futuristic design that cannot be surpassed in terms of sustainability! This is made possible by the cooperation between IBC SOLAR and SpaceFounder, a company from the Upper Franconia region that specializes in the construction of so-called “Spaces”. And the first joint projects are already being completed. (more…)

The solution when the power grid goes on strike

Just under 11 minutes – 10.73 minutes to be precise – and thus 1.47 minutes less than in the same period of the previous year, we experienced supply interruptions in the power grid in Germany in 2020. This means that the outage time was lower than ever before. Still, for some, the power may go out in the most crucial minutes of the year. And the 10.73 minutes are, of course, only an average. Depending on the situation, it was significantly longer. But what can you do if the power is suddenly gone? The answer is PV and storage, connected via a so-called grid switch box or backup box. (more…)

Current challenges of global sea freight

Global sea freight is the most important mode of transport for world trade. In terms of weight, for example, around 90 percent of goods transported across borders today are handled by sea. This is hardly surprising, as the advantages are clear due to the high level of economy and security. However, the success of sea freight is also dependent on many factors. At the same time, the industry is currently facing enormous challenges that are leaving their mark worldwide, leading to high transport costs and, unfortunately, also to delays. (more…)

Blog series: PV at IBC SOLAR, Part II: The storage system and its applications

Since the founding of IBC SOLAR, we have of course not only equipped our customers with complete PV systems, but also invested in our own in-house system. And that has grown steadily over the years. Part 1 of the blog series on photovoltaics at IBC SOLAR was dedicated to a rough overview of the entire system and our motivation. Part 2 now takes a first detailed look at a specific section of our system: the cluster of battery inverters and battery storage. It consists of a total of six Victron Quattro 48/10000 as well as five BYD Battery-Box Pro 13.8. The storage units are thus low-voltage storage units, resulting in a total usable capacity of 69 kWh. The storage system at IBC SOLAR headquarters has now been providing its services for more than two years and supports us on a daily basis in various applications. (more…)